My Name is Luka
2015 • 208 pages


Average rating3


I was happily traipsing along to the Audio versions of this series, nothing groundbreaking, but a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours with each installment. But this one ... I had issues.The couple in this story are Brad a 21 year-old construction worker and sometimes bartender at RAY'S and Luka, as soon-to-be 18 year-old who lives in Brad's apartment complex with his physically abusive father. The attraction and eventual romance between the two was fine. Believable. No problem. My issues were others.1) There was this, IMO, artificial notion of Luka's age. Though Brad is treated, portrayed, and acts older he's 21. Luka is three (3) weeks away from turning 18. They're attracted to each other and yet a big to-do is stressed about waiting for the magic-hour. Legally? Sure. It was a good idea for Brad to protect himself. But morally? What's the difference? 2) The author seems to posit that Luka needs to continue to live with his father, in spite of all the abuse, until he's 18. Like he can keep him as some sort of indentured slave. Also if he hates Luka so much why does he wan't him to stay only to continue to dangle over him the threat of kicking him out on his birthday? I know that the idea of not wanting to go in to foster care is alluded to and is the reason for not reporting the abuse to the authorities, but Luka staying makes no sense. It's absolutely untrue that he'd have to stay with his father, much less an abusive one. Brad himself left home at 16 and managed to find his way. Just like many kids do in RL everyday. And Luka has a job. The father's hate was never satisfactorily explained and the resolution too pat for my liking. Or maybe all my complaints are because Luka's father is horrific and I hated him and wanted to dice him up into little pieces. And of course I thought the whole time of that 10,000 Maniacs song. Complaint overThe rest of the story proceeds in a little more rushed pace than the previous installments as it all takes place in three weeks. Characters from previous books play important parts but enough is explained about them that you don't have to have read their stories. Will these two be together in the foreseeable future? Maybe. Sure. Why not? I believe in romance and HEAs. The audio is once again by [a:Tim Todd 6179893 Tim Todd] and I liked his characterization of Luka but Brad, though nice, sounded a bit like those late night disc-jockeys. I don't know. Just a touch extra.

July 13, 2018