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Theo Waitley has met her father's Clan and been Seen by the Delm of Korval now, at the end of both [b:I Dare 1103876 I Dare (Liaden Universe, #11) Sharon Lee http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1181013406s/1103876.jpg 1644933] and [b:Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2) 6669085 Saltation (Theo Waitley, #2) (Liaden Universe, #13) Sharon Lee http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1276362333s/6669085.jpg 6131174]. She does not, however, consider herself of Korval — she is a Waitley, as is reasonable for a young woman raised in a matrilineal culture. She did, however, take two issues to the Delm for solving, and one has been resolved: she has been reunited with her missing father.However, she also carries the Captain's key to the sentient ship Bechimo, and that ship is looking for her. The Delm chose to put that issue aside, trusting that it would solve itself, given enough time. How much time, though, and in what manner?In the meantime, she acts as courier for Uncle, one obviously known to the Clan and not as an ally — although not necessarily as an enemy, either. As his courier, she flies his ship, Arin's Toss, which is hunted by his enemies, including the Department of the Interior. Theo acquits herself as well as any child of Korval could in meeting her challenges. She continues to experience more than the usual number of them, though, because of her Terran rearing and Liaden appearance. It seems to me that a father as dutiful as Jen Sar Kiladi (or Daav yos'Phellium) would have given her more preparation to encounter Liaden society.[b:Ghost Ship 9762449 Ghost Ship (Liaden Universe, #14, Theo Waitley, #3) Sharon Lee http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327880001s/9762449.jpg 14651808] certainly isn't limited to Theo's story. We rejoin Val Con and pregnant Miri as they move to Surebleak, and check in with Daav as he settles in to being Daav again after his long sojourn as Kiladi. There are also appearances by Pat Rin, Natesa, Quin, Padi, Shan, and other family members. Definitely an ensemble cast this time out, and just as absorbing as fans have come to expect.