Night of Blood
2003 • 344 pages


Average rating1

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

This book just dragged. I normally love all the Dragonlance books (minus Murder is Tarsis), but I cannot for the life of me connect with any of the characters. The scene with the ogres when all they did was talk ogre, um hello! Translation please? That enter chapter was a waste. Not to mention the following scene with them chapters later where they talk about some agreement and never tell the read what the agreement is! There are way too many scenes of what Nephera's undead can do, really we don't need a hundred pages of filler detailing ever last traitors death. Give a few examples of her power and be done with it. The three main story lines don't even have enough detail! The group in the mines you barely hear about and I found I enjoyed them the most. I will attempt book two but if its a flop I won't bother with the third.

March 1, 2013