നിരീശ്വരൻ | Nireeswaran

നിരീശ്വരൻ | Nireeswaran

2014 • 310 pages

Nireeswaran by V J James reminded me of Umberto Eco novel Foucault's Pendulum. In that novel a group of friends start a new conspiracy theory for fun and beyond their wildest imagination, it gains traction, thereby challenging their existence. Here, a trio of athiests creates a deity by the name of Nireeswaran, to prove a point that belief in God is just a superstition. But it backfires.

The novel is a very interesting reflection on human belief system and how athiesm in present state is just another religion in disguise. But it doesn't stop there and touches many related ideas like reality and existence of parallel universes. It is a novel worth visiting.

But I really have a complaint about the hardcover copy of the book. The quality is too bad. Paper is very thin and cheap quality, the print is just a bit better than roadside pirated copies. The cover became folded with just a single reading and the book looks worn and old.

August 9, 2020