North and Shaw: Out of Office

North and Shaw: Out of Office

2020 • 98 pages

happy sighI'd already read most of these (except for the vignettes at the end) as [a:Gregory Ashe 1179529 Gregory Ashe] usually gifts them as part of his mailing list. I still reread them. They're joyful snapshots in the lives of Shaw & North and aren't just filler, they serve as bridges between one book and another.Bad Boys at the Radio GirlsGone GoatPuppy PatrolShaw Aldrich and the Case of the Missing Leash where North entrusts Shaw to dog-sit his puppy, things go predictably wrong, and it ends with North showing Shaw more of his tender, soft parts. His vulnerable self. The rest are little moments of the guys hanging out together, growing into this new stage of their relationship where they openly love each other and don't hide it from the world or each other. Sweet ❤️❤️

March 22, 2021