Not the Boss of Us

Not the Boss of Us

224 pages


Average rating5


Not only does Kay give us relatable stories and words of wisdom from great leaders, she gives you the keys to replace your overwhelmed, stressful, pressure-filled life with truth, grace and freedom! Her words remind us that overwhelm is simply “Not The Boss of Us“. She brings together the information in an easy to read but power packed book. It is so relevant in our current society where striving for perfection and staying busy is the norm. Inside the pages, you will find encouragement and specific steps to replace your negative overwhelm with positive actions and attitudes. This book could not have come to me at a better time. She includes practical applications in each chapter titled “Water Station”. These nuggets of wisdom were a great reference and easy to come back to for future reference. I highly recommend this book for women of all ages and stages of life. If you are in a place of overwhelm, this is the read for you!

Thank you to Revell for my copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.