2017 • 1,243 pages


Average rating4.6


Rating BS books 5 stars has almost become a reflex action for me. That being said, I would have to say this book falls a bit short of my expectation and I would rate it more as 4.5 stars.
The last 2 books, were out of this world brilliant and honestly were the best reads of my life. This one thus, had to provide a patchwork of explanations for the last two books, in addition to taking the story forward.
The revelation about the Desolations and Recreance hit me hard in the face (could never have guessed it).

To avoid giving out to much too much information, the rest of the review is tagged as a potential spoiler.

Dalinar's backstory is almost prophetic. The ideals embodied in the whole narrative might as well take shape in a new religion some day :P. Shallan's story though makes her seem too skillful in too short a time. Also, I was shipping Shallan and Kaladin so hard, I stand disappointed. Kaladin being Kaladin, is just f**king awesome. Not to forget, Jasnah Kholin! I just love that woman, is there anything she can't do? The Fused(supposed Gods) should put up a better fight right? A few other question that remain unanswered.How the hell did Amaram get so powerful? Also, is it just me who finds Odium something like Voldemort? Unreasonably confident but easily dealt with. That's not to say he makes a bad villain but honestly, I expected better from him. All in all, the last 2 books just raised my expectations to unhealthy levels and this book, though brilliant, left me yearning for more.

December 11, 2017