Average rating4
I did not enjoy the beginning of this book. It felt unnecessarily slow and was tough to get through. Plus the flow felt choppy and there wasn't really a structure to the story for much of the beginning. This book is supposed to be a letter to his mother so of course in the beginning it's going to feel like more of a stream of consciousness that rambles rather a book, but I still felt like a lot of the long rambling felt barely connected to the main subject of the book and therefore was mostly uninteresting. I wasn't interested in these parts of the story and I felt like I had to force myself through them to get to the parts that were actually relevant to what I was reading.
Once I got closer to halfway through though the book picked up a lot better, there was more of a flow to the story, and it seemed to have an actual direction it was headed in. I then felt drawn in and became more invested in the story.
Overall a good book, very lyrical and I like the word choice and overall message of the story.