Average rating4.1
“A person doesn't die when he should but when he can”
“It was a characteristic of men to deny hunger once their appetites were satisfied.”
“The world must be all fucked up”, he said then, “when men travel first class and literature goes as freight.”
“Watch out for your heart. You're rotting alive.”
“Incredible things are happening in the world. Right there across the river, there are all kinds of magical instruments while we keep on living like donkeys”
“There is always something left to love.”
Okay, this is one of the best fictional works I've ever read. It's on par with the greatest literary fiction works of all time! It's not a book, it's a journey into the beautiful and isolated town of Macondo and the lives of Buendia family. Every page, every word, every chapter, every character is enticing and mystical! Its vividly mesmerizing writing style combined with a magical story, makes it a genuine literary masterpiece. The way Gabriel Garcia Marquez creates his characters and blends them into his wonderful world, it's just exquisite! The book introduced me to a totally new genre of magical realism. Where the boundaries between what's real and what's magical are blurred. This is what makes this book fascinating. And what can I say about the characters of this novel! Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a genius of fiction! When I finished the book, the existential crisis and the void left by it felt like a hundred years of solitude!
To end this review here, I'd say that if you haven't read Gabriel Garcia Marquez, you haven't read real fiction yet! A must read masterpiece from the magical artist of literary fiction!