One Was Lost

One Was Lost

2016 • 283 pages


Average rating3.3


I don't know what was scarier here: being chased through the wilderness by a psychokiller or the amount of hormones the main character was dealing with! Whoo, Girl, I did NOT know it was possible to be this thirsty while running for your life! It's a shame because this had the potential to be pretty good. There was one truly frightening scene, there was an ethnically diverse mostly kickass main character named Sera who literally dealt with all the drama (she's a director), but it kept getting bogged down in this swamp of how hot Lucas was and how hard she had to fight the urges. Uhg. Totally ruined it for me. Also, not explaining Emily and Jude's deals was made no sense. Why was nothing fleshed out? Also the origin story of the killer is barely explained and I counted 4 instances of Sera THINKING something and then another character answering the thought verbally. Was this a rough draft? That would explain things.
With a good editor this would have been a four-star read. The author was onto something....she was just sidetracked by the way Lucas looked like an underwear model while running in terror. Poor Lucas, he's a double victim here of a horn-dog and a psycho.

March 8, 2017