Our Great Big American God

Our Great Big American God

Short Review: A romp through American religious history and the ways innovation in the message or understanding of God has changed the way we modern American Christians see God. I think the strength (and some of my frustration) of the book is the way Turner is intentionally conflating God (as a deity) and our understanding of God. Of course he is right that when we understand God differently that makes a difference. But as I think he would clearly said if pressed, that God (as God) is unchanged. Which is where Turner really starts (with a story about a friend of his talking about how much America has done for God over its history.) Turner is a gadfly, a necessary voice, but not alway one that is easy to hear. Still this is the best of his books that I have read.

Click through for about 1000 word review. http://bookwi.se/our-great-big-american-god/

August 24, 2014