Paper Towns

Paper Towns



Average rating3.6


I loved certain parts of this and there were decent characterization. Also I laughed at many points.

Draw backs: what school has their senior class start reading Moby Dick in May?! Way to shoe horn in a way for you to make allusions and it kind of broke the suspension of disbelief for me.
There we too many times John Green described the act of peeing.
how is it that the omnicitionary blurb for what a paper town does not show up earlier? Q searched for that phrase but only said that he found it buried in a realestate forum. Either Q is really bad at using the Internet, or plot convenience, either way it weakens the story for me.
Pro-tip: if the only shirt available has a confederate flag on it, turn that shit inside out (although I didn't mind that part)

January 9, 2016