Paul: In Fresh Perspective

Paul: In Fresh Perspective


Short Review: I am being a bit hard on Wright. But because I know he has the capacity to write clear prose I am a bit frustrated by this book. It is very lightly edited series of lectures. And while I appreciate the fact that just lightly editing some lectures can produce a book fairly easily, Wright should have spend some more time editing to make it more cohesive. It is not a bad book, on content alone I would rate at 4. I have had this for a while as a hardback but I didn't actually read it until it was on sale for audiobook. Wright's basic thesis is that you can't understand Paul without understanding how he understood the relationship between Israel, the exodus, convenant, eschatology, righteousness, election and justification. Once you understand all of those things you will see that Paul is often misunderstood.

I think there is real value in this book, but it is not the easiest of Wright's books to start with.

My full review is on my blog at

January 9, 2012