Persephone Station

Persephone Station

2021 • 512 pages


Average rating3.5


This book is good! I see quite a few reviewers saying the first 100 pages dragged for them, but I didn't find that to be the case for me. I was very engaged from the beginning and I loved the world instantly.

In particular, I really liked the scale. A lot of sci-fi and fantasy novels I've been reading have featured empires as a part of the history. Makes sense and I generally enjoy that sort of story, but narratives about fighting back and defeating empires can be so exhausting to read for a variety of reasons. In Persephone Station, corporate colonialism is still very present but the story happens at a much, much smaller scale.

However, the author manages to cram in quite a bit of story and I'm super conflicted about it. On one hand, I think this universe is so interesting and would love to see more adventures from this crew. On the other, I think there were a few bits and pieces that just didn't add to the story significantly, including the first chapter. I enjoyed it, but could see why these extraneous bits might annoy other readers.

My only BIG gripe is actually quite small and unimportant. The big bad at the end of the book is pretty underwhelming and talks like a charicature of a villian.

Would not be opposed to some short stories or even another in-world novel!

June 2, 2022