Cover 3

Pint of Contention

Pint of Contention


“I could love you if you let me.”

Le sigh. Le swoon! We're back in Crowder, Texas, and once again, Susannah Nix delivers an emotional roller coaster of a romance that runs the gamut from cute and funny (and sexy!) to heartbreaking.
Maggie and Ryan are both interesting, complex, and - usually ;) - mature characters, and I thoroughly enjoyed their banter and the fake-dating-turning-into-the-real-thing storyline. I loved getting to see them slowly lower their defenses and let each other in - until they (cough Ryan cough) didn't. But I really appreciated Maggie's approach to getting Ryan out of his self-imposed isolation and I loved how everything worked out at the end.

4.5/5 emotional-roller-coaster stars

September 12, 2022