Pre-Reading Skills

Pre-Reading Skills



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What is pre-reading you ask? One of the first things that a person needs to learn in preparing to read is the fact that the objects or text on a page are saying something to you. A basic beginning skill is shapes. These My First Bob Books Pre-Reading Skills books use shapes in a fun and personable way to help prepare kiddos for letter recognition. Learning about Sally the Circle and Tanner the Triangle and even Seth the Square teaches sounds without the child realizing they are learning. There are patterns to see and sorting to happen. I love it when AppleBlossom is “reading” these with me and she's all frustrated that the triangles are next to the circles when almost everything else is separate. :)

By now you probably know that I love the My First Bob Books – Alphabet and the new Bob Books Early Readers. It's no surprise that I quite adore the Pre-Reading Skills as well. At first I was a little confused, because I was not quite certain what shapes had to do with reading. But then I realized it's not all about a spelling and vocabulary lesson (although that is there two with the text about these circle, square and triangle characters as well as the pictures of the things they interact with). There is so much more to learning about what goes on a page and the things around us. The skills taught in these little books is provided in a fun manner, so that while your child just thinks you're snuggling down to read in a cuddly small book they are actually getting spacial recognition, sight words, sequencing and more. These also provide for dialogue and discussion as you can interact with your child about what is going on with the characters.

So many ways to learn in such a small package!

Thanks to Hopscotch Consulting, Bob Books and Scholastic for providing a copy for review.


March 27, 2012