Pride and Premeditation


Average rating3.5


I haven't read Pride & Prejudice (yet), so I stepped into this book with basically no knowledge of the original story. I don't know if this is an advantage or a disadvantage, but I didn't feel like I needed to have had read the original story to like this one.
I love how feminist Pride & Premeditation is. Elizabeth tries to prove that she - just like any other men - can be a sollicitor or barrister. I loved this aspect: fighting the patriarchy.
I also really appreciated that the story wasn't too predictable (at least not for me). Near the ending, I had an idea who murdered Mr. Bingley (and turned out to be right), but I really loved the fact that I guessed it, instead of thinking it was too predictable. I flew through the book and really enjoyed it.

Thank you TBR and Beyond tours, Edelweiss and Harperteen for the free review copy. This in no way affected my opinion.

April 5, 2021