Princesses, Pirates, and Cowboys

Princesses, Pirates, and Cowboys



Average rating3


I love omnibus editions. They make grabbing a book for a church bag, or travel, so much easier and while I was skeptical at first over the difference in the visualization of Veggie Tales in these I Can Read! books at first, they really are still the characters we know and love, so what could be better than a three-in-one early reader? See below for my thoughts on each of the books included.Thanks to Zondervan for loaning an ecopy for review through Netgalley.UPDATE: Today I received a real copy and this is great. While the same size as other I Can Read! books from both Zondervan and HarperCollins this one is hardcover and without a dust jacket. It's thick blue/yellow and beautiful! However, the spine is yellow which is odd as all other Level 1 early readers have a blue spine, the cover does have the blue though. scheduled:[b:Princess Petunia's Sweet Apple Pie 9602442 Princess Petunia's Sweet Apple Pie Karen Poth 14489569]At first when I found out that there were going to be VeggieTales I Can Read! books I became very excited. However after getting my hands on this one I have mixed feelings. The story is great with some humor and a great moral compass as far as that is concerned I love it. What I do not like is that the artistry does not reflex the VeggieTales that I know and love and considering that VeggieTales is an animation I found this to be odd because I would assume that it would transfer well to a page. The colors seem to be slightly off, but more so it's the shapes.Either way, it would not keep me from looking to buy the others, it was just surprising is all. I still love Big Idea, Inc and Zondervan for publishing such great and refreshing books for growing learners.I purchased this book at a local indie bookseller by the name of Cover to Cover. I highly recommend the shop, the owner is super nice and knowledgeable about her stock. Also I would like to thank Zondervan for introducing me to the series and publishing them.[b:Who Wants to Be a Pirate? 9602438 Who Wants to Be a Pirate? Karen Poth 14489565]I read this one in a new omnibus 3-in-1 I Can Read! Veggie Tales book coming from Zondervan called Princesses, Pirates, and Cowboys. While pirates that do not do anything are not necessarily the best roll model for our children... the lesson that they learn about being exactly who God made them to be is one of value. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence, but that is so easily forgotten.I read this in a loaned ecopy thanks to Zondervan through Netgalley.[b:I Can Read!/Big Idea Books/Veggie Tales: Fairest Town In The West 11988793 I Can Read!/Big Idea Books/Veggie Tales Fairest Town In The West Karen Poth 16952590]How can you not love the Rat Scallion gang and wish their redemption? Gotta love this western adventure about manners and the practice of being fair. After all that is important in many more places than just Dodge Ball City.I read this when it was originally published and thanks to Zondervan for providing a copy for review.

September 22, 2012