Promises Reveal

Promises Reveal

2008 • 337 pages


Average rating5


5+ stars!!!!

Brad Swanson is a whiskey drinkin', card playin', cheroot smokin', dirty talkin'...PREACHER. Yep. You heard right.

I have a penchant for bad boys, and let me tell you, there's nothing more wicked than a preacher who isn't all that he seems. ;-) Brad is hiding something, Evie is sure of it, and she's fascinated with the man. She secretly studies him, and that fascination culminates in her painting his portrait–in the NUDE. What's most humorous about the situation is the fact that Brad is not so much upset that she painted him, but that she painted him rather UN-flatteringly, lol. The conversation where they discuss her model for a certain part of his anatomy was quite hilarious. LOL!

A shotgun wedding ensues, and Evie and Brad are thrown together in a bit of a whirlwind romance. I loved that they had both secretly noticed each other and that there was a mutual attraction there that had been simmering under the surface for quite awhile. Their being forced into marriage was the best thing that could have happened to them both.

Evie is determined to show him she won't be mowed over, while Brad is just as determined to show his new bride who's boss. (In lots of deliciously wicked ways!) Their flirty banter is fun and engaging, and their chemistry is HOT.

I've read other reviews where people said this book isn't as hot as the first 3. I have to respectfully disagree. The scene in the church that I quoted from at the beginning of this review? HOLY HELL. And I think that sentiment is quite appropriate considering we're talking about a preacher, here. ;-D That one scene makes the book. Don't get me wrong, the rest is awesome as well, but I just really, REALLY enjoyed the hot, possessive, somewhat exhibitionist sex in the church. LOL.

For those who've read the first 3 books, you'll enjoy several scenes with old friends. If you haven't read the others, you might be slightly confused on who certain people are, but I felt Ms. McCarty introduced everyone fairly well to ensure that all enjoy the book, even a newcomer to the series.

Speaking of former characters, I loved Gray's interaction with little Brenna. Made me wish Ms. McCarty would do a book for the two of them where they're all grown up and in love despite the obstacles that he being Indian and her being white throw their way. I do see a 5th book is being written, and I'm highly curious to know why it hasn't been published yet. I sincerely hope Ms. McCarty will continue this series.

Back to Brad and Evie...I do believe I loved this story every bit as much as book 1, (which was my favorite thus far), if not even a bit more! Brad was just a fascinating picture of contradiction, and as we soon discover, Evie was right about him. He IS more than just a preacher. If I'm a sucker for a bad boy, I'm an even BIGGER sucker for a bad boy with a tortured past. ;-D

Highly recommend Brad and Evie's story. Funny and hot, with a beautiful love story and an engaging plot.

February 19, 2013