Protection & Reversal Magick

Protection & Reversal Magick

2023 • 226 pages

This book is helpful to read whether you are newer to practicing witchcraft or more experienced and knowledgeable.
It's good to know and understand what is considered to be a genuine psychic, spiritual, occult related magickal attack, or when any type of witch, magician, occultist has sent energy to you to harm you on purpose & when it is simply paranoia, mental illness or spiritual psychosis.
The author is male, but in my opinion it would have been helpful if the author included a female Witch's perspective in the book.
The author is well known to witches, a lot of witches are familiar with their written work, so I know their knowledge, experience with witchcraft is trustworthy and a good source of information to rely on.

I like and appreciate that the author has been taught by various types of witches, sorcerers, Occultists about their spiritual path, spiritual & occult beliefs and practices since I have eclectic beliefs so this resonates with me.
I obviously respect that there are closed practices and this should be mentioned in any book about witchcraft, some spiritual, occult paths, especially the Left Hand Path, or spiritual spiritual paths require you to be initiated, taught by a practitioner of that specific spiritual, or occult path.
I like that the book is dedicated to the Goddess Hekate & the Law Papa Legba.
I have felt drawn to working with the Goddess Hekate & other dark Goddesses for a long time.
It isn't mentioned however until page 125 though that invoking spirits can be potentially dangerous if you don't know how to protect your energy, or you're inexperienced and don't know what you are doing, so I think this should have been explained sooner in the book, but that's just my opinion.
The author didn't explain if it is safe to invoke spirits that were directly gifted to him personally from the Goddess Hekate if you are an inexperienced witch, or you haven't yet created a strong bond/connection to Hekate if you invoke protective spirits associated with the Goddess Hekate.

Some of the rituals seem a bit complicated or long winded and very repetitive, so it would have been nice if there were a few examples that were simple for novice witches to practice & more advanced spells and rituals for the more experienced witches.
Other than information about the Goddess Hekate there was really much about Pagan witches, it would have been nice if Pagan practices was included.
I don't practice closed practices, so any information about Hoodoo & Vodou is interesting but doesn't resonate with me.
The notes could have been included in the new edition commentary at the end of each chapter, it would have been helpful to have a in-depth explanation of the various types, methods of protection & counter-magick the author has written about while reading the chapters in the book.
Overall I think this is a necessary book for all witches, that are male & female to read, it is helpful information.
I'm not experienced with practicing witchcraft myself, I still need to study and practice protecting my energy, creating wards, invoking protective spirits.
It is good that the author is mindful of not always including rituals that some people would abuse, and use against innocent people.
Everyone should be mindful or anyone that is constantly thinking/believing they are under spiritual attack, spiritual psychosis and mental illness should be taken seriously and professional help is needed in that specific scenario, situation.
All seek professional help if/when it is required.
As the phrase is quoted “Mundane before magick”

November 23, 2024