Punished for Dreaming: How School Reform Harms Black Children and How We Heal

Punished for Dreaming

How School Reform Harms Black Children and How We Heal

2023 • 185 pages

As a historical and policy primer, this was super good. As a pop polisci/sosh “what now” book it was super weird! It's contradictory and Love has the most whiplash shitlib vs goofy Marxist take side by side that I didn't know what to do with all that. As a goofy Marxist I was like huh?
Basically she was like it's white people's job to turn neonazis back to the good side by working them through it but also white folks are the enemy, in true Black nationalist fashion, which was just... I think this needed another editing pass in the last few chapters or like... a spiritual editing pass in terms of what Love wants the reader to do.
As someone who gobbles this stuff up, I did feel that generally another pass to take out some repetitive themed work/emotional prose would have really helped the pace of this, as certain chapters felt like a story or two (so, let's say like 15 minutes of content) and double that in repeating the takeaway (i.e antiBlackness and capitalism are ruining our schools) in a way that didn't feel additive. Yeah.
But lots of good info here that is necessary, just not sure if I was the right audience or what's going on there.

November 17, 2024