2012 • 214 pages


Average rating2.9


Contains spoilers

I really tried to read this book and I thought I will, but I dropped it somewhere in chapter 11, that's almost 50% of the novel. I think that is the longest I read a book before dropping it.

The first thing that kind of bothered me was Micah's eyes. There's nothing wrong with them, but I got the colour the first five or so times I read 'baby blues'. That description didn't work for me because I imagined one solid, unsettling block of blue as his eye colour. At some point I replaced it in my mind with 'bright blue'.

Then, when it came to the main characters' relationship, I would have wanted more show and less tell. I find this is a major pet peeve of mine when it comes to books. Adding that to the way they talked about things, while neither of them actually knew what to do, missed the spot completely. They sounded like someone pretending to know what they talk about while in reality having not the faintest clue. I didn't feel for one second confident in their relationship, I didn't feel anything of what was said they were feeling, so when something happened to make one of them angry or happy I was genuinely surprised. I didn't know how it happened.

And finally, what actually made me drop the book, is the way their relationship started and, I guess, will evolve. What a lot of BDSM novels have in common is this matchmaking, where the friend(s) of the Dom (always the friends of the Dom) act as matchmakers between him and the sub. This happens so often and I really wanted them to gravitate towards each other naturally. Actually, when the characters were first introduced I didn't think they will start something.

If I would have managed to read the whole book I was already thinking of rating it two stars, maybe something would have happened to make me rise that rating, but I really wasn't expecting that. Now that I dropped it I can only rate it half a star. However, I think the book can be enjoyed, I'm sure other readers will like it way more than I did.

April 6, 2022