Average rating4
2.25/5 stars
I actually kind of feel like a horrible person for not liking this book, especially because everyone else seems to love it and because the themes were important and probably incredibly relatable to many people, but urgh, this book really just missed the mark for me.
This is the second Alice Oseman book I've read and I can now conclude that their books just aren't for me. I had the same problems with this book that I did with [b:Loveless|42115981|Loveless|Alice Oseman|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1590592497l/42115981.SY75.jpg|65704946]: while the representation was amazing (“effortless” is how one review I read describe it, and I very much agree), I loathed the writing style, the plot never felt like it was obtained, and I couldn't care less about the characters and their drama.