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4.5 Stars

As soon as this little number landed on my tablet this morning, I knew I had to stop everything and read it. Four hours later and I have finally come up for air.

I will keep my review relatively vague. I don't want to intentionally give anything away. I also think this is the type of book you just want to go into blind. If you've read the prologue (you have to read that first to know what is going on in this book) then you already know what you are getting yourself in to. It is dark. It is twisted. There are triggers.

I LOVED Raphael's book just as much as I loved the prologue. Same great writing. That said, the pace of this one was a little on the slow side for me. Based on the synopsis I expected a little more action regarding Raphael and his lust killing. It didn't affect my rating at all, but a lot of plot focus is on Raphael and Maria's relationship. Which was fine as it made the connection between them stronger. The plot itself remains unique and wildly intriguing. The sex was hot. We get a little forward movement with the BRETHEN situation. We get to see cameos of the other members of THE FALLEN. I am not sure whose book is up next, but each and everyone one of them hold so much potential. Last, this ended with a satisfying conclusion that sets us up going forward.

So yea, I loved it...bring on the next book!

June 16, 2019