PROS: There were a few genuinely funny moments of commentary on modern living and wise reminders on how to properly adult. I also admired the work the author has put into self love and the way she encourages the same for her reader. Preach.
CONS: I found myself wanting to skip entire essays where the author presented her liberal ideology or opinions as axioms.
Similar to other semi-auto-biographical essay collections I have read, the amount of self-explaining or self-apologizing for past errs presented under the guise of “here's-wisdom-learn-from-my-mistakes” was just a little too self aware for me. In one essay, the author went as far as to preemptively defend any bad or mediocre reviews she may receive for this very book.
OVERALL: I don't feel like my time was completely wasted because I got a few laughs and had one or two “ah ha!” moments where I truly related to the author as a female millennial. Still, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to my girlfriends.