2015 • 402 pages


Average rating3.6


After reading the Tiger's Curse series and loving it, I was super excited to pick up Colleen Houck's new book.

While reading Reawakened, it was very similar to Tiger's Curse in the sense that a young girl is the savior for some very handsome foreign stranger that is dealing with some type of situation where they will need the help from said young girl. Some readers may not enjoy reading another series from a similar plot line, but I enjoyed it a good amount.

Reawakened is about a girl named Lily that lives in New York. While she is at an art museum that she frequents, she stumbles upon a young man that has been awakened from his mummy state. Amon is the sun god from Egypt and needs Lily's help to find his organs so he can get his powers again and be able to finish the ceremony that he and his two brothers have to do every time they awaken.

Throughout the entire book, I was very interested in the way that Colleen wrote about Egypt. I know with each series she has researched a good amount and tries really hard to be accurate with her writing. Some readers may not enjoy it as much but for the ignorant bliss that is my mind, I do not notice the complete details for specific areas the characters are in.

I really do think that this is a book that you should just enjoy and not judge every single sentence because the story is mostly about the characters when Colleen is writing. The places they are just end up being something exciting and adds to the story but I think she mainly focuses on the characters growth. If you're looking for a plotline that is very much in depth and a curse is the main focus of the book, this isn't a book for you. I wouldn't say that it is a fluffy read but it is something you can easily get through and enjoy your time reading it.

Colleen Houck's writing has improved so much since the TIger's Curse series. I even read her self published works before they got published and you can really tell the difference in her writing. It has gotten a lot more descriptive and complex. The way her main characters think are much more descriptive and I really enjoyed being in their minds.

Lily reminded me a lot of Kelsey and Amon reminded me of Ren. I couldn't really help seeing that. The main characters did remind me a lot of their counter partners from her other series. I think that is why it didn't get a complete five star rating. I just really hope in the next books, the same plot from the Tiger's Curse series does not follow over to the new Reawakened series. I would enjoy seeing something like that happen but I think having the story too similar would just make the series too predicable. I hope she spices is up next.

Overall, it was a good book and really set the mood for the series. I think the writing got better as the book went on and the plot started to get more complex. It would add some foreshadowing as you kept going in the book and it was nice to see some portions of the story unfold at the end. This is the first book in her new series and it ended very nicely. Without the epilogue, I could of seen it has a one book series but I am glad it is continuing on. I look forward to reading the next book.

September 2, 2015