Cover 5

Rebellion Against Henry III

Rebellion Against Henry III

The Disinherited Montfortians, 1265-1274


Average rating5


If you are familiar in any way with medieval history, then Simon de Montfort is a name that you will have heard, at least once. In the Rebellion Against Henry III, the life of Simon de Montfort, and his role in the rebellion against the king becomes much more clear.

With the many nobles who raised arms against the king, Simon was at the forefront. The rebellion though is a bit misleading. It was more than one, it was long, and it was bloody. There was not a simple ruling that put it down or nobles who simply had their feelings hurt and were placated by lands, money or promises. These were nobility out for blood, and it was blood they got. For the Marcher lords wanted much more than empty promises and royal favors...

David Pilling goes through the entire rebellion - from the threads that began to pull to the bloody end. I was able to learn so much more, and gleaned so much information from this book! For those who love medieval history, military history, or royal history - then this is a book that you are going to want to pick up. It is laid out in a way that no matter the level of learning you have in medieval studies, it is understandable, easy to follow, and informative.

April 7, 2020