Average rating4
I was waiting for this arc to arrive on BookSirens because I loved Reforged and I'm glad that Haddon has another book! He deserves it. It felt like this had more politics and world-building than the first book – even though the first book literally follows a King. Both books are set in the same world but are standalones. If Haddon planned on writing another book in the same universe, I wouldn't mind one bit.
I think he really shines in his world-building. It's his strong suit and something I can tell he enjoys. Not saying that his character and plots aren't good – they definitely are. To me, creating and maintaining a world is what he's best at. It's really difficult not only to create such an immense fantasy world but to ensure that it doesn't fall through. Or break apart in a later chapter because you didn't build the right foundation for it.
The plot did have standard fantasy vibes to it, if I'm being honest. There's betrayal, there's plans, there's plots from both sides. Characters wonder if they can do it; what will it take etc. But I'm not complaining at all