Average rating4.1
Holy crap, this book was so good. The characters were interesting, the stakes were top-shelf, the storytelling was solid.
The cover of this book includes a quote by Scott Sigler which reads, “Ender, Katniss, and now Darrow.” I could not do a better job explaining this book. For all its sci-fi-ness, it is delectably medieval. I think this book could easily appeal to a very wide audience. Be aware, this book has some delightful violence that may be quite intense for some. But, I believe the author did a hell of a job handling that intensity.
I literally put the book down, muttering “holy crap,” at least one time per chapter in the final 1/3 of the book. I'm talking, through the finish, people.
Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not visit the jail until you read this book.