Average rating4
It was ... Ok. I probably would have liked it better if Alex's personality wasn't so annoying (he behaves like an empty-headed frat boy most of the time) and that Henry wasn't so bland (insert Disney prince here). Also, I didn't find it endearing to follow the exploits of overly-pampered, self-absorbed privileged kids; their banter was oh so annoying - seriously what's so exceptional about them? After the zillionth alcohol-soaked party, I was over these so-called millennial “royals”.
And I can't believe I am saying this and I am by no means a prude, there was just so much swearing and sex that it bored me after a while. (Sex scenes that were maddeningly all hints and no clarity.) And oh yea, they irritated me too.
Still, I enjoyed the premise. I can totally see it as a movie and the dilemma and the pain the two faced was quite heart wrenching.
Just wished they had more likeable personalities!