Average rating3.8
Is it just me or does any other author capture white, middle-age males as well as Anne Tyler? Maybe it's a specific breed of males, but I feel like I have met so many men like Micah. I grew up reading Anne Tyler and this volume could be shelved right next to [b:The Accidental Tourist 60792 The Accidental Tourist Anne Tyler https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327936319l/60792.SY75.jpg 1070136] and [b:Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant 77699 Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant Anne Tyler https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1401953526l/77699.SY75.jpg 75046]. So, early Anne Tyler? I loved it. It took me right back to the same feelings while reading it. This is super short, so I listed it as a one-sitting read. It's hard not to love it, and I did. It may have been just the thing to calm my nerves right now. I love a bit of quirk in my fiction. My only gripe and it's so minuscule I shouldn't even bother mentioning it (I'm just curious if anyone else is bothered by it too) is the title. I GET it. She explains the title in the story, and then the second meaning of something being an “illusion” fits the book. I just immediately thought this was going to be about a redheaded runaway or, even worse, the accident of a hit and run. Geez. I think I'd have preferred Micah's Bad French Accent or something else. LOL.This has me thinking of rereading some of Tyler's older works. I'm down for that.