Reluctantly Home

Reluctantly Home

2021 • 318 pages

After a horrific accident, Rose “Pip” Appleby returns home with her ‘tail between her legs'. She worked hard to become one of the top human rights attorneys in London, leaving her small town life in the rearview mirror. To return to the life she thought left behind is, for her, a step down and humiliating.

Now working as a sales clerk at a local thrift store, Pip happens upon an old diary. She begins to read it and sees some commonality with the writer and her current situation. She later finds out the owner of the diary is a once actess, and local, named Evelyn Mountcastle. She also learns that Evelyn still resides there in town. What is there for Pip to do but seek Evelyn out and return her diary and see if she is willing to talk to her about the words written on the pages. Can speaking with Evelyn help heal her heart and ease the guilt she feels?

Well this is another one that wasn't quite what I expected and one I ended up enjoying. It's about life and accidents that happen and how those accidents can sometimes define us. After a while though, there are choices to make .. do we let the accidents keep defining who we are and let the pain and guilt run our lives? Or do we find a way to dig deep and heal. Do we heal alone or try to reach out and share our hearts .. our fears .. and let others help in that healing. Friendships, even unexpected ones, are a wonderful addition to life. They can make life bearable and the craziest moments seem like a memory.

This was a delightful read and one I wholeheartedly recommend. I appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for providing me a copy of this E-Book. All opinions expressed herein are mine and mine alone.

April 28, 2021