Average rating4.3
I just want to say that.... I LOVED THIS!!!
Like seriously it was AMAZING! The writing style coming from different perspectives was genius! The main character Chase was very complex. He basically falls off a roof and has a concussion which results in him having amnesia! What is interesting is that in his completely forgotten past he was the biggest school bully and a football champion. He now has the chance to start over and become a nice kid and be friends with the videomaking kids who are so-called nerds from the so-called jocks. Now that's what I didn't like... jocks, nerd... seriously? In my life experience, we didn't have those names. Anyone could like sports and be shy or also be a straight-A kid. I mean just because I wasn't a sports kid didn't mean I had to get bullied by those who were.. actually one of my closest friends had a sport-loving spirit. Chase turns out to be both a “nerd” and a “jock” in the end, which was GREAT! The character development and forgiveness and redemption was the main issue here. Chase's ex-boys were just horribly awful. Why does someone just bully someone for simply existing? I honestly will never know... Shoshanna was an interesting character and very protective of her younger for 14 minutes twin brother Joel who was ex Chase's biggest target... but now they're friends... how cool is that??? The girl who's the only thing Chase remembers pre-accident was a pretty good twist... And I would have never guessed the thing about the medal!!! I honestly felt very bad for what Chase was going through and how hard it must have been... maybe he deserved it in his past self but now he's like a “saint”... This book had many lessons of having a second chance and how awful and just pathetic bullies are... I gotta say this book was very interesting and a first of its kind for me... and I'm all in for it! Please read this... it's amazing and it may just change your life and your view... FOREVER!!! (maybe not that dramatic but still)