Revealing Love
2016 • 104 pages


Average rating1


This book annoyed me to NO END.

So, Jude and Sabrina meet at a party, and I assume start a relationship. We don't get to see any of that as we are fast forwarded 6 months. Jude is hurt in a hospital and decides Sabrina deserves a “whole” man (cue overused plot device music) so he starts pushing her away. He even goes so far as to set it up so she sees him leaving a bar with OW (he doesn't do anything) because she JUST WON'T LEAVE HIM ALONE. When even that doesn't work he friend zones her for a WHOLE FRIGGING YEAR. Poor Sabrina just pines away for him because she loves him (again, I assume she pines because yet AGAIN we are flashed forward and we don't see any of the events I mentioned above.) Then one day, out of the blue, he decides he is enough man for her and tells her he loves her. She of course drops her poor pathetic doormat panties and says “yay, gimme that dick”

Let's not take I dunno, 10 minutes maybe to tell him how hurtful he has been, or I have an idea...keep your panties on and make HIM work for it a little bit...sigh. The rest of the book is basically about a bad guy trying to con them. Since you never actually get to see Jude and Sabrina's romance, I never felt a connection between them at all. In fact, this book is very light on romance period. We basically miss their whole story and are just told bits and pieces after the fact.

What a letdown...

March 27, 2016