Average rating4.6
This was by far my most anticipated read of the year and probably my most anticipated read of the last three years since the last Stormlight book came out and it certainly lived up to expectations. Revelations abound and we're now headed full speed ahead for the ending of the first arc!
Main characters, with the exception of Kaladin (thank god he's my favourite), begin to switch out a little here. Not too much, but enough to be noticeable. Venli is a lead and her backstory, along with her sister's, makes up the spine of the book. Shallan shares much of her page-time with Adolin on a quest in Shadesmar but even she takes a backseat this time around. And despite Oathbringer being Dalinar's book, it is his wife Navani who gets the most attention in Rhythm of War, unlocking the secrets of Urithiru. This surprised me but I welcomed it greatly. My favourite aspect remains the focus on mental illness while unabashedly being some of the most creative crazy stuff in fantasy.
What can I say? I love Kaladin. I've never been so proud of a fake man. I love the world and the characters and finding the other references to the broader cosmere and then slapping my palm to my forehead whenever a reveal happens because it seems so OBVIOUS after the fact. I don't love waiting three years to find out what happens next but I suppose three years isn't that long compared to some series one could (but won't) mention.
An easy 5 stars from me. I can't wait to dig into this again!