Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul

Ride the Tiger

A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul

1961 • 242 pages


Average rating5


Redemption of Evola - for me.
A great book, still typical Evola style so when its wrong its really wrong and when its right it is really right, here, in this book - he is more times right then wrong.
It has many interesting chapters for example topics like : critique of existentialism and phenomenology (including an interesting critique of Heidegger - and I'm saying this as a Heideggerian myself). Hits the spot when talking about the modern family and values, neospiritualism, Catholicism but misses the mark with music, and sometimes he says stuff that he could just keep for himself - but thats Evola at the end of the day.
Not as good as Guenon of course...
Still, worth a read. Great book for the times we are living in. Recommended

June 27, 2023