Average rating3.8
Okay, when I picked this book up I had a feeling that I would like it but little did I know that I would end up absolutely LOVING IT! This is my first Alice Feeney book and I am officially obsessed. Her books get a lot of hype on social media and now I can see that it is all very well deserved. I mean the author knows how to write an amazing thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time and packed quite a punch in under three hundred pages! This is one of those “read it easily in one sitting” type of books and the only reason why I wasn't able to do that was because of mom life but if not for that, I would have stayed up all night reading this book from beginning to end, without a doubt. It had everything I want in my thriller novels and more. Alice Feeney is definitely an auto-buy author for me after this book and I can't wait to read all of her older books.
To begin with, Rock Paper Scissors is about a couple who go away on a trip to save their marriage to a secluded chapel that's been renovated into a house. However, both spouses have been keeping endless amounts of secrets from each other and this whole trip might be a lot more than they ever bargained for. I haven't read a book with a plot like this and for me it felt very unique and I was definitely invested all the way through. I really liked how the book jumped between the different perspectives and also between the letters that the wife had written over all these years to her husband. It was easy to follow and I flied through the short chapters, finishing the book in what felt like the blink of an eye. I also thought that the pacing was masterfully done in my opinion and every short chapter ended on a little cliffhanger, so it made you want to keep reading to find out what exactly that cliffhanger meant and what will happen next. And that ending- OH MY GOD! It was twist after twist after twist and I was there for it. I didn't see most of the twists coming, especially the bigger ones and it definitely left me feeling exhilarated and also in awe.
Secondly, the characterization is also absolutely amazing in this. Even though the chapters were really short, each and every one packed a punch and transported us into the very soul of that character. I was absolutely enamored and at the same time disgusted and terrified reading about what was going on in these characters' minds, as sick and twisted as they absolutely were. However, as flawed and horrible as these characters were, they really laid it all out in the open for us to see and this made them relatable because we really got a sense of how they go to be this way and what led them to act a certain way in a particular instance. I absolutely loved/hated all of them with a passion and this book will stay with me for a long time to come. That is certain.
Finally, the writing was my favorite kind, short and precise, without being choppy or not flowing well. Part of the reason it was so easy to race through this book for me was the writing style, it just flowed so smoothly and effortlessly and I didn't have to reread parts to get a better understanding as to what was happening or what the author wanted to convey. I also loved all the in-depth thoughts that were going through the characters' psyches and even that was masterfully put into words and made me feel for the characters, even relate to them on so many human levels. I just can't say enough good things about this book.
In conclusion, if you are a thriller lover and haven't picked this book up yet- what are you waiting for? Read it right now! Not only is it absolutely addicting and impossible to put down but it will leave you breathless and hanging on each and every word. What a great novel to start the month off with, definitely a very strong start out of the gate! Absolutely obsessed!