Cover 5

Room Service

Room Service



Average rating3


“Room Service” by Jordan Halsted is a simple book with a simple premise. Dave, a fox, divorcee, homeless, and part of a hotel's cleaning staff, gets tasked by his boss with trying to find out if her fiance is cheating on her. This will mean lots of sleuthing, lots of meeting people, and, unsurprising to anyone who knows about the stereotype of foxes in the furry fandom, lots of sexing around in order to find out the truth!

Now, this will be a short review, not only because this is a short book, but also because it knows what it is and is proud of it. There are no pretensions of a deeper plot, intriguing characters, or huge puzzles to solve; everything is just a conduit to the next smutty scene, and the book is the better for it. While some of the situations are a little farfetched, they're serviceable. So are the characters, and the lighthearted tone of the book makes it an enjoyable experience to read. Maybe not all at once though, since you could get some burnout after reading in a row the multiple, detailed smut scenes that are in every chapter.

Overall, if you're looking for something sexy and fun to read, Room Service should more than capable of fulfilling your expectations. However, if like me, you were expecting something with more plot to pepper your porn, you might be better off looking elsewhere. Kind of a shame since the author can write more emotional and developed pieces as shown during the epilogue (which is completely detached from the rest of the story, but more along the lines of what I would have preferred to see).

June 14, 2021