Royal Date


Average rating3.8


There were only a few things that pissed me off about this beautiful-happily-ever-after book.
1) I was pretty darn annoyed when Kat didn't immediately tell someone, anyone, about Seamus's offer. I understand and accept how she debated about it at first (or second, really, since she'd made up her mind about not doing it before Seamus left the money and phone with her), and I'm very glad to see she still didn't make a stupid decision by committing to Seamus' nefarious plan. But still, I am very displeased with how she didn't tell someone right away. The tension just kept building and building because we, the readers, knew her decision to keep this quiet would blow up in her face. Thank Sariah Wilson, it didn't blow her whole face off. And thank her again for avoiding a whole misunderstanding-leading-to-a-sort-of-break-up-with-lots-of-unnecessary-heartbreak. And let's just give her another thanks for making sure Nico was smart enough to read the signs and see that Kat isn't with him because she's interested in money. THANK YOU SARIAH WILSON.
2) When the king kindly informed, subtly threatened, Kat about the women in Nico's past who'd screwed him over for fame and fortune, and Kat immediately said she wasn't interested in those things. Um, excuse me, but I believe you are interested in fortune, no? Did you not have a whole chapter about the guilt you felt for being tempted by Seamus' offer?
But yeah, those are basically my only concerns/criticisms. I don't think I need to fangirl to anyone how simply amazing this book this.

November 8, 2015