I wanted this book to be the Maddy and Loki Show. I really, really did. Instead, it's the Maggie, Maddy, and Loki Show, and I am so okay with that it hurts. Though I was hesitant about the character of Maggie, I trusted Joanne to do her justice, and oh, did she. Maggie is prickly, clever, stubborn, and powerful (sound familiar?), but instead of being a Maddy clone with a coat of pious paint thrown on, she's her own fully-realized, independent character. A product of her environment, she has been raised to believe in the Nameless and follow all the commands of the Good Book, but she thinks for herself, and still she dreams (and Dreams, which is very important). She also is pretty naive and makes some terrible decisions, as only seventeen-year-olds can do, but I found that realistic, and coupled with her belief that she knows how to do everything right only adds to the complexity and contradictoriness of her character. tl;dr Maggie is awesome.
As usual, Maddy and Odin were spot on, as well as the rest of the supporting cast (especially Frigg, that sneaky Seeress!). And of course there is Loki, whose chapters are always a joy to read (and holds the dubious honor of being the first fictional character I've had a crush on in years). And the plot! Yeah, that's amazing, too. (Can you tell I'm a character-centric person?)
Basically, read this. You won't be disappointed.