Average rating4.4
Executive Summary: This book is unlike most fantasy I read, and finished a lot stronger than it started. For that reason I rounded my 3.5 stars up to 4.
Full Review
So this one took me a long time. Nearly a month. That's a lot longer than it's taken me to read a book in a few years. Part of it was the slow start. Part of it was that I read it a month later than the rest of Sword & Laser. The main culpret though is probably all the time I'm spending the last several months playing video games.
I still love to read, I'm just finding it a lot harder to spend my time reading. My audio consumption is still as high as ever, possibly even a bit more so. Sitting down to read though? That's been hard. Even when I do, I often find myself dozing off no matter what I'm reading. So all of that probably colors my rating and review of this book.
I liked the Golem pretty quickly in the story. The Jinni. Not so much. In fact I'm still not a big fan of him. I liked the structure of the story, and the idea of an immigrant story told from the perspective of two supernatural creatures. I liked the setting of 1800s New York City too.
The prose were excellent. It's probably a bit more literary than I normally read, but when the story is good, that's what matters to me the most. So I read it one chapter here, another chapter there. Often I'd go several days without reading. I was never bored by it, but neither was I so engrossed as to put aside my other hobbies so I could buckle down and read it quickly.
Overall I enjoyed this book, but I probably would have liked it more had I read it at a better time where I could have given it more focus than I did. I will be curious to see what Ms. Wecker writes next. Her debut novel is going to be a hard act to follow.