ohhh myyy godddd I laughed so much at the idea that WOLVERINE CAN TALK TO ELEPHANTS??? AND ALSO CYPHER AND QUENTIN QUIRE CAN TALK TO ELEPHANTS?? And also Kitty Pryde is teaching a class on superhero costumes??? Juuust the kind of delightful weirdness I can get on board with. Also, kind of... weirdly preachy about ivory poaching? And I mean... it's not like I support ivory poaching, but in 2015 isn't that the kind of thing we're all pretty much on board with opposing? HMM.

Anyway the other story in here, about Wolverine being a 30s bootlegger who takes in a band of children after their father gets killed by rival bootleggers, SOUNDS like it would be delightful but I was a little bored by it.

January 1, 2015