Average rating4
gracias marissa meyer por sacarme de mi bloqueo lector sos la mejor nunca me falles <3
este libro fue una locura, me mantuvo enganchada todo el rato, siempre quería saber qué iba a pasar después.
todavía no sé bien cómo sentirme respecto a wolf, pero a scarlet la re quiero es divina y a thorne también aunque sea un pesado. cinder apareció poquito, la extrañé, ojalá ver más de ella en cress
no sé, me encantó la historia y cómo llevó a cabo el retelling la verdad q marissa no decepciona nunca quiero vivir en su mente y ver cómo funciona su cerebro porque esto es espectacular
I flip flopped a lot on how great this book was. That is until the ending. The ending solidified it as a great book.
That being said, it needs more cinder!
Now I gotta wait a whole year for the next one :(
I found the Wolf/Scarlet thing a tad tedious - but the book really comes together at the end. Am looking forward to the next installment.
While I liked this book a little more than [b:Cinder 11235712 Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) Marissa Meyer https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1470056948s/11235712.jpg 15545385] I am still not swept away in this story. I like it just enough to keep reading, but I am not emotionally connected to any of the characters. I was really starting to like the Wolf and Scarlet romance, until that cheese-fest at the end. That ruined it for me.
Re-read for #TLCReadAlong. Moved the stars up from 4 to 5. Originally read May 25-28th of 2014.
Honestly, I wasn't even going to read this book. Cinder didn't really work for me and usually when I don't really like the first book in a series, I tend to not waste my time with any others. Then, after several unpleasant books that I was sure I would like, I decided to give Scarlet a shot.
Boy, am I glad I did.
Everything just seemed to come together so much better in this book than the first one. From the first paragraph, I was curious about this book - about the new setting (France) and about the characters and the plotline. I loved how this book threw your right into the story, which is something I never felt happen with Cinder.
The characters are great. I love and adore Scarlet. She's a wonderfully strong young lady and just all-around awesome. Wolf is no doubt interesting and a bit confusing as sometimes he comes across as sweet and shy and other times he's arrogant and...not sweet. Their romance it actually quite nice, and I can see the appeal they have to each other.
The other new character is Thorne - who, if I'm not mistaken, plays a larger role in the next book - and I'm already quite taken by him. His sense of humor is just great and he's a blast to read about. We also check in several times with some of the characters from Cinder - like the titular girl herself, who seems a bit more likable to me this time around, and Prince Kai and the wonderful Iko.
All these characters stories are combining in a way that is very, very interesting and I'm getting quite excited to see how things will play out in the last two books to the series. I must admit, I really like the way the farytales are weaving together - giving a well thought out, overarching plotline.
However, not all is good. The whole ‘cyborg hatred' hasn't been explained, though it was seldom mentioned in this book. Really, unless there's some big, amazing reveal as to why humans in general hate cyborgs, this is something that should have been explained in the first half of the first book. The good news is, most individuals that we encounter are not so racist, so I could almost forget that there is even cyborg hatred.
(Originally posted on my blog: http://pagesofstarlight.blogspot.com/)
I enjoyed this, though not as much as I did Cinder. Intrigued to see what's next!
"She was not here. This was not happening."
"Ella no estaba aquí. Esto no estaba pasando."
Another greatly executed fairytale retelling.
Otro recuento de cuento de hadas grandemente ejecutado.
This action-packed story is the perfect sequel to the awesome beginning we had with Cinder, and the sci-fi element doesn't get left behind either.
Esta historia cargada de acción es la secuela perfecta para el increíble inicio que tuvimos con Cinder, y el elemento de ciencia ficción no se queda atrás.
In Scarlet, we are presented with the main character, namesake of this book. She is your typical badass that doesn't let anybody get away with it at her expense, though that seems to have given her some trouble in the past. We meet her while looking for clues and anything she can find about her missing grand-mère, whom everybody else in her little French town has labeled as the “crazy lady” and guess that she just went mad and ran away. But Scarlet, who has lived with her and been raised by her since she was a toddler, knows better. She knows her better that anyone else, and knows that she wouldn't just up and leave her without saying a word. Or so she thought.
En Scarlet nos es presentado el personaje principal, homónimo de este libro. Ella es tu típica chica ruda que no deja que nadie se salga con la suya a sus expensas, a pesar de que parece que eso le ha traido problemas en el pasado. La conocemos en un momento en que está buscando pistas y lo que pueda encontrar sobre su grand-mère desaparecida, a quien todos en el pequeño pueblo Francés tienen tachada de “vieja loca” y suponen que su locura pudo más y se fue. Pero Scarlet, quien ha vivido con ella y fue criada por ella desde que era una niña pequeña, la conoce mejor. Ella la conoce mejor que nadie más y sabe que no se iría así sin más. O al menos es lo que pensaba.
Honoring the suspense, plot-twisting and page-turning vibe left by the first instalment, Scarlet takes us on a journey alongside a shady, military type man nicknamed “Wolf”, to find her grandmother while unearthing so many secrets, seemingly, after each step of the way. All the while we, as readers, also get to follow Cinder right from where we left her at her imprisonment in Emperor Kai's palace at the ending of the first book.
Haciendo honor al la vibra de suspenso, de giros de trama y de querer darle vuelta a la página que dejó la primera entrega, Scarlet nos lleva en una aventura junto a un hombre misterioso de tipo militar apodado “Wolf” para encontrar a su abuela mientras descubre muchos secretos, pareciera, tras cada paso que dan. Mientras tanto nosotros, como lectores, también podemos seguir a Cinder desde donde la dejamos encarcelada en el palacio del Emperador Kai al final del primer libro.
Marissa Meyer once again does a wonderful job taking elements from the original fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood and making them her own on this reimagined futuristic tale, and also mastering the art of directing an intermittent plot, giving us just the right amount of Scarlet or Cinder at a time until they inevitably meet, at the climax of the story. Not in one moment did I feel disengaged from the co-protagonist that I wasn't reading about in any given section of the book, or did I forget about the last think we learned about her.
Marissa Meyer de nueva vez hace un trabajo asombroso tomando elementos del cuento de hadas original de Caperucita Roja y volviéndolos suyos en esta historia futurista reimaginada, y también dominando el arte de dirigir una trama intermitente, dándonos cada momento justo la cantidad exacta de Scarlet o Cinder hasta que inevitablemente se encuentran, en el clímax de la historia. En ningún momento me sentí desenganchada de la co-protagonista sobre la que no estaba leyendo en dada sección del libro, o que se me olvidara qué había sido lo último que supimos de ella.
Contrary to the first instalment, Scarlet keeps a mostly fast pace from the start and does not slow down, not even in the end, keeping the reader engaged and grasping for more after every turn of the page. Surprisingly, it doesn't become overwhelming or sloppy, as one might think (or at least that's how it was in my experience) and helps maintaining the hype for each revelation we are handed. Since this is also a retelling, of course is easy to guess most of the “twists” in the story, however, I think the manner in which they are presented to us keeps the excitement and the surprise element alive.
Al contrario que la primera entrega, Scarlet mantiene un ritmo mayormente rápido desde el inicio y no desacelera, ni siquiera en el final, manteniendo al lector enganchado y buscando más tras cada vuelta de página. Sorprendentemente, esto no se vuelve abrumador o descuidado, como uno pensaría (o al menos así es como fue en mi experiencia) y ayuda a mantener la expectativa por cada revelación que se nos entrega. Dado que esto también es un recuento, claro que es fácil adivinar la mayoría de los “giros” en la historia, sin embargo, pienso que la manera en la que se nos presentan mantiene vivos la emoción y el elemento sorpresa.
All in all, as I “reviewed” before I finished the book a few months ago, I was on the 400-page-mark with my hands already itching for Cress and that sneak peek at the end of the book was perfect. That didn't change much after I finished it, or even now, as I'm trying to move forward on my TBR list as fast as I can to finally get my hands on that pretty book waiting on my shelf.
Tomando todo esto en consideración, como “reseñé” antes de terminar el libro hace algunos meses, estaba en la marca de la página 400 con mis manos ya ansiosas por Cress y ese vistazo al final del libro fue perfecto. Eso no cambió mucho cuando terminé el libro, o incluso ahora, mientras intento avanzar en mi lista de libros por leer tan rápido como puedo para al fin poder poner mis manos en ese bonito libro esperando en mi librero.
4 undisputed stars.
4 indiscutidas estrellas.
This book was amazing and I'm so glad I stuck with this series! Read my full review over at Lisa Does Literature.