Average rating4.2
Scythe is a tale of two halves. On one hand, it's a thrilling YA novel full of intrigue and exciting world-building. On the other hand, it's a tale that shines a creative light on concerns we all have here in the real world. A YA reader and an adult would probably have a completely different experience reading this, and that's what makes it so great.It's a simple story. The world has moved past diseases, murder, and accidental deaths, and people are potentially living forever. To keep somewhat of an order of things, Scythes pick people to glean. These unfortunate people cannot be brought back to life with revivals. Oh! There is also somewhat of a worldly overseer called the Thunderhead, but let's leave that element a surprise.Enter two young adults who are chosen to join the Scythedom and become the next bringers of doom. How do they fit in? How are they trained to accomplish these dastardly deeds, and what do they do about these feelings towards one another?I like how it fuses dystopian perspectives with actual historical references. Also, the winks to politics, freedom, and the pitfalls of being impetuous in this world were tops. While reading it, I was reminded of some of my favorite writers, such as Bradbury, Sterling, and Roddenberry.It's easy to read, fun, a bit dark, and has a great writing style. It's brilliant!⭐ Rating ⭐❖ 4.5 out of 5 ❖