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Season of the Bruja #1

Season of the Bruja #1

The art is pretty and adorable. Even the ugly demon is kinda cute. It looks like this is a continuation of an older series? Which I will now have to read, because I enjoyed this so much. Scrappy, adorable demon-wranglers that are themselves supernatural. This opens with the trio trying to exorcise a small boy. But when Althalia manages to isolate the demon inside herself, she learns that something awful is coming, and that the demons are afraid. So she cuts a deal with said demon, in order to save the little boy.

Enter an ADORABLE grandmother.

And then what appears to be a sinister, racist priest.

I was charmed and intrigued right away. Especially when Althalia doesn't just straight up annihilate the demon, or send it wherever she sends it. So, yeah, issue #1 was a win.