Average rating3.6
This was ok but I really struggled with Teddy as a hero. I just couldn't understand his appeal the give and take tattoos really irked me. The constant reminder of how much he was 'taking' just irritated me more and more . As I was reading this, there was one quote from [b:Red, White & Royal Blue 41150487 Red, White & Royal Blue Casey McQuiston https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1566742512l/41150487.SY75.jpg 61657690] that kept ringing in my head. Worst of all, Henry is good. Alex doesn't pretend to care about the rules of the game, but his primary turn-on has always been competence. I think this quote perfectly encapsulates my own feelings towards romantic heroes. I love heroes who are good at something , anything really. We are told over and over again how good Henry is at tattooing but we never get to see him in his element. Instead, we get this seemingly aimless Henry who doesn't struggle too much to achieve his goals because of a string of good Samaritans and a rich daddy.Teddy aside, this still wasn't a perfect book. The ending fell flat and Melanie felt like a token character of colour, very much like the throw-away line at the end about making Providence more inclusive