Second Thoughts

Second Thoughts

2009 • 88 pages

(6/27/2023) this was a reread. i last read this a few months ago (or late last year) while doing a pass of books on my shelf to donate/sell, but i've read it at least twice before that.

originally impulse-bought as a used book at a now-defunct local games and comics store in northampton for $5.99.

the POV shifts throughout are interesting and it can be a fun puzzle to figure out what is happening (unless you “recently” read it, like me) and who is who. it's a very short read, though, and there's not much time to get attached to the characters, and they show up kinda like assholes in many scenes. i think i kept the book this long because there's some gay intrigue (back from my “will consume content for breadcrumbs” days) but it's not earth-shattering.

i just put together on this particular readthrough that there were some context clues about a part of the story happening on 9/11. that was a “huh.” moment.

June 27, 2023