Cover 6



Stop Beating Yourself Up and Leave Insecurity Behind


Average rating3.5


The subject matter itself is excellent, and truly feels important for most, if not all, of humanity to take to heart. Being more self compassionate, learning to self soothe, and giving yourself grace are all excellent ideals that are becoming ever more poignant as society moves through the years.

That said, I was a bit disappointed by some points. Firstly, there were several mentions throughout regarding the writer's autistic son, particularly about how they ‘treated' his autism, which bordered heavily on really meaning ‘curing'. While I'm sympathetic to the struggles of raising an autistic child, this seemed so at odds with the book altogether, especially from the lens of an autistic adult trying to have compassion and love for herself. Secondly, several chapters, while I get wanting to show self compassion in many facets, began to get repetitive and just a bit boring. There's only so many times one can hear ‘give yourself a hug' or other advice before it loses the original meaning. This might have been less obvious in writing versus audio book, but I found myself wanting different advice as the book went on. 

Many of the ideas in this book come from Buddhist practice, and I wonder if the lessons within could be found elsewhere with deeper experience and less negativity towards mental disorders, such as in books by Thich Naht Hanh and Jack Kornfield, among others. 

December 29, 2023