Self Storage

Self Storage

192 pages


Average rating2.5


so this story follows a handful of low-lifes who frequent storage unit auctions, after purchasing a unit the main character finds a hot zombie chick with whom he grows a bit of an infatuation. despite this, he is still seemingly well intended, but the others are too nosey to stay out of his business and as if they'e never seen a single zombie movie, they collectively make the worst decisions imaginable. infections spread, you get the idea.

there is a fairly interesting plot regarding the means by which she ended up in the storage locker, but mostly this is just typical “don't do that” horror cliches.

i still liked it. maybe i'm easy to please, even moreso when i found this off a discount shelf. it also wasn't too long of a story where it outstayed its welcome. recommended as long as your not completely fed up with the zombie genre. it kind of, kind of, tried to do something new with it.

March 3, 2024