Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

2014 • 96 pages


Average rating3.9


A while ago (circa 6 years) I read a book called something like “Linux for dumb, naive and extremely clumsy people”. It got my attention as the tittle was really weird for a learning book, but I picked it up and read it.
It was interesting to read all the things the author said about those people who are not actually stupids but when you try to explain them something as hard as you can they just don't get it , they just simply don't understand that easily and that can happen to any people with any other topic.

This book reminds me that, in the way that many people don't really understand what's the deal with general relativity and then quantum mechanics and then with thermodynamics and then again with a world full of probabilities. But still, there are people out there with a profound gift to teach (like in this case ) who want to explain all those topics in simple words; The author here make things very simple, kind of like ELA5.

He gets quite emotional towards the end but I can understand why. He seems to be loving what he is doing as a theoretical physicist.

All the best for him and his team with that weird theory of loop quantum gravity.

July 17, 2019